Musikchef: Trine Boje Mortensen, Chefdirigent Pierre Bleuse
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Musikchef: Trine Boje Mortensen, Chefdirigent Pierre Bleuse
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Odense Symfoniorkester er Danmarks største symfoniorkester uden for København. Orkestret høster stor anerkendelse for sin høje kunstneriske kvalitet, som kommer til udtryk i både symfoniske koncerter, operaforestillinger, indspilninger og i det store outreach-arbejde. En ny chefdirigent, franske Pierre Bleuse, sætter i de kommende år en ny retning for orkestrets kunstneriske udvikling, hvor udvidelse af repertoiret, internationale gæstesolister, indspilninger og turneer er hovedelementerne.
Odense er i disse år i rivende udvikling, og byen satser på både uddannelse, øget bosætning og investeringer i fx turisme og robotteknologi. Odenses kulturliv følger trop med bl.a. et nyt musik-, teater- og konferencehus ODEON og et nyt H.C. Andersen Hus i den internationale superliga. Odense Symfoniorkester har i denne sammenhæng mange vigtige opgaver at løse, både kunstnerisk og formidlingsmæssigt. En særlig opgave for orkestret er Carl Nielsen Internationale Konkurrencer, som afvikles hvert tredje år, næste gang i 2022. Hjemstedet er Odense Koncerthus med den smukke Carl Nielsen Sal.
Stillingen som solocellist er på fuld tid og aflønnes efter overenskomsten mellem KL og Dansk Musiker Forbund. Der er til stillingen knyttet en fast pensionsordning. Der er desuden mulighed for at aftale individuelle vilkår.
Vi søger en alsidig kollega, der med et bredt repertoire som basis kan levere en fremragende kunstnerisk indsats i alle sammenhænge. Du er professionel og fleksibel og udstråler entusiasme til dine omgivelser. Som medlem af orkestret kommer du til at bidrage til vores pædagogiske og andre sociale aktiviteter. Vi prioriterer teamwork og gode kommunikationsevner. Det forventes, at udenlandske kolleger inden for en kort tidsramme kan gøre sig forståelig på dansk.
Der stilles et italiensk mesterinstrument (David Tecchler) til rådighed for solocellisten.
Ansættelse sker efter deltagelse i prøvespil og er betinget af, at ansøgeren kan dokumentere opholds- og arbejdstilladelse i Danmark.
Ansøgning og yderligere information
Ansøgere bedes sende en motiveret ansøgning med relevante bilag til musikchef Trine Boje Mortensen på tribm@odense.dk, hvor der også kan rekvireres yderligere information.
Juli 2021
Artistic Director/CEO: Trine Boje Mortensen, Chief Conductor Pierre Bleuse
Commencing as soon as possible
Odense Symphony Orchestra is Denmark’s largest symphony orchestra outside Copenhagen. The orchestra is recognized for its high artistic quality in both symphonic concerts, opera performances, recordings and within the outreach activities. A new Chief Conductor, Pierre Bleuse, will during the coming years set a new direction for the artistic development of the orchestra, where key elements will be expansion of the repertoire, international guest soloists, recordings and international touring.
The City of Odense is currently experiencing an exciting development, and the city is investing in both education, increased settlement and investments in robot technology and tourism. The cultural life of the City is no exception with, for example, a new music theater and conference house ODEON and a new H.C. Andersen Museum by international star architect Kengo Kuma. In this context, the Odense Symphony Orchestra has many important tasks to solve, both artistically and within the community. A special event for the orchestra is Carl Nielsen International Competitions, which take place every three years, next time in 2022. The orchestra residence is Odense Concert Hall with the beautiful Carl Nielsen Hall.
The position
Salaries and working conditions for this full-time position are in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Musicians Union and the Association of Municipalities. There is a fixed pension scheme attached to the position, and individual terms can be negotiated.
We are looking for a versatile colleague who ensures excellent performances on (inter)national concert stages and at the opera whilst mastering a broad repertory. You have a professional and flexible work ethic and radiate enthusiasm on every stage. As a member of the orchestra, you will also contribute to our educational projects and social activities. All employees have a talent for harmonious teamwork and possess good communication skills. Foreign colleagues are expected to become proficient in the Danish language within a short timeframe.
A master instrument (David Tecchler) is made available for the Principal Cellist.
Employment takes place after an audition and trial period and is conditional on the applicant being able to document a residence and work permit in Denmark.
Application and further information
Please send your application with relevant documents to Artistic Director/CEO Trine Boje Mortensen at tribm@odense.dk, where further information can also be obtained.
July 2021
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