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Konkurrence afholdes fredag den 6. november 2020 i Odense Koncerthus



Bent Lylloff: Århus Etude nr. 9
Jacques Delécluse: Etude nr. 9 (de douze études pour caisse-claire)
Franz Krüger: Etüde nr. 13+14
Guy G. Gauthreaux II: American Suite, Movement II
Franz von Suppé: Pique Dame
Gioacchino Rossini: La Gazza Ladra



Dmitrij Sjostakovitj: Lady MacBeth of Minsk
Dmitrij Sjostakovitj: Polka
Igor Stravinskij: Les Noces
Igor Stravinskij: L‘Oiseau de Feu
George Gershwin: Porgy and Bess
Alban Berg: Wozzeck



Alban Berg: Lulu
Hans Werner Henze: Undine



Paul Dukas: L‘Apprentí Sorcier


Blandt de tilmeldte ansøgere forbeholder dommerpanelet sig retten til at invitere et antal ansøgere.
Der afholdes eventuelt pre-audition mandag d. 2. november 2020.
De inviterede får besked umiddelbart efter deadline den 19. oktober 2020.

Løn og ansættelsesforhold i henhold til gældende overenskomst for musikere i landsdelsorkestrene.

Ansøgere med andet statsborgerskab end dansk bedes selv holde sig underrettet om reglerne for opholds- og arbejdstilladelse for statsborgere fra det pågældende land.

Der spilles på Odense Symfoniorkesters instrumenter.

Ansøgeren afholder selv rejse- og opholdsudgifter.

Tilmelding senest mandag den 19. oktober 2020

Konkurrencerepertoiret kan downloades her (revideret 28. okt. 2020)

Al kommunikation/information vil ske via e-mail.

For yderligere information rettes henvendelse til musikchef Finn Schumacker på

Vi opfordrer alle uanset køn, alder, race, religion eller etnisk tilhørsforhold til at ansøge.

Odense Symfoniorkester er et landsdelsorkester med 73 musikere og 12 tekniske-/administrative medarbejdere. Orkestret, som har hjemsted i Odense Koncerthus, har et årligt publikumstal på godt 85.000. Kernen i orkestrets virke er symfoniske koncerter. Dertil kommer skole- og familiekoncerter, kirke- og kammerkoncerter, operaforestillinger og cd-indspilninger. Odense Symfoniorkester turnerer desuden regelmæssigt i ind- og udland. Det årlige budget er på cirka 60 mio. kr.

Principal percussion

Commencing as soon as possible

Audition in the Odense Concert Hall, Friday November 6th, 2020

Audition repertoire:

Snare Drum

Bent Lylloff: Århus Etude nr. 9
Jacques Delécluse: Etude nr. 9 (de douze études pour caisse-claire)
Franz Krüger: Etüde nr. 13+14
Guy G. Gauthreaux II: American Suite, Movement II
Franz von Suppé: Pique Dame
Gioacchino Rossini: La Gazza Ladra



Dmitri Schostakovich: Lady MacBeth of Minsk
Dmitri Schostakovich: Polka
Igor Strawinsky: Les Noces
Igor Strawinsky: L‘Oiseau de Feu
George Gershwin: Porgy and Bess
Alban Berg: Wozzeck



Alban Berg: Lulu
Hans Werner Henze: Undine



Paul Dukas: L‘Apprentí Sorcier


The jury reserves the right to invite a limited number of applicants. A pre-audition may take place on Monday 2nd of November 2020. Those applicants, who are invited, will hear from us after the deadline Monday 19th of October 2020.

Salaries and working conditions are in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Musicians Union and the Association of Danish Municipalities (Kommunernes Landsforening).

Applicants with citizenship other than EU/EØS are responsible for obtaining valid residence and work permits by the time of employment in Denmark.

Audition to be played on the instruments of the Odense Symphony Orchestra.

Travel and accommodation are at the applicants own expense.

Application deadline, Monday 19th of October 2020

The audition repertoire can be downloaded here (revised 28. okt. 2020)

All communication will be via e-mail.
For further information, please contact CEO Finn Schumacker:

The Odense Symphony Orchestra is a regional orchestra with 73 musicians and a technical-/administrative staff of 12 employees. The orchestra is based in Odense Concert Hall and has an annual audience of approx. 85.000. The core activity is the performance of symphonic concerts. In addition to this the orchestra’s schedule comprises school and family concerts, church and chamber concerts, opera performances and CD recordings. The orchestra tours regularly in Denmark and abroad. The annual budget is approx. 60 million DKK.

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